NOV 19 2004 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA - @ The Hemlock Tavern, FLOSSIN w/ Vaz and Replicator

OCT 9, 2004 - SACRAMENTO, CA - @ The Capital Garage w/ Zach Hill and the Holy Smokes

SEP 26, 2004 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA - @Kelly's Mission Rock w/ Latrice Barnett

AUG 6, 2004 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA - @ San Francisco Electronic Music Festival


Jun 23, 2004 - KUMAMOTO, JAPAN - @ Yachiyoza w/ Taylor Deupree & Fonica

JUN 24, 2004 - FUKUOKA, JAPAN - @ Butterfly w/ Taylor Deupree, Fonica, etc..

JUN 25, 2004 - YAMAGUCHI, JAPAN - Willits/Deupree @ Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media sound installation install date

JUN 26, 2004 - YAMAGUCHI, JAPAN - @ Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media w/ Taylor Deupree & FourColor

JUN 27, 2004 - TOKYO, JAPAN - MOMENT @ Superdeluxe w/ Taylor Deupree (12k), Kazumasa Hashimoto (flyrec, plop), Piana (cubic music), Dill (flyrec)


JUN 30, 2004 - KYOTO, JAPAN - @ Metro w/ sora (plop,tar100mg,autumn records), curtain of cards (para disc, tar100mg) PsysEx (12k, ryoondo, shrine)

JUL 1, 2004 - OSAKA, JAPAN - @ Tower Records, Shinsaibashi

JUL 4, 2004 - TOKYO, JAPAN - @ Sputnik w/ Ken Ikeda (Touch), Izumi Kiyoshi (Rephlex, Childisk), Filler (Abocado Orange)

JUN 10, 2004 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA - @ Academy of Art, Morgan Auditorium, Christopher Willits + Scott Pagano (live and improvised sound + image performance) & The Light Surgeons (UK)

MAY 29, 2004 - EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND @ Edinburgh Castle w/ Tarentel Eats Tapes

APR 30, 2004 - SAN FRANCISCO, CA - @ Bottom of the Hill w/ Tarentel &apm; The Grails

APR 22, 2004 - SACRAMENTO, CA - The Advantages's CD release show @ Capitol Garage, w/ electro group & The Advantage

APR 17, 2004 - BALTIMORE, MD - Once.Twice:Festival of Sound and Video Art w/ Akufen, AGF, Dabrye, Dimbiman, Sue Costabile, Matthew Dear, Ghislain Poirier. Nautical Almanac, Scott Pagano + more TBA (live sound + image performance w/ Scott Pagano)

APR 11, 2004- BROOKLYN, NY - Halcyon party w/ Andreas Tilliander (mokira) , 
DJ Spinoza + more.

APR 10, 2004- NEW YORK CITY, NY - @ Monkeytown Space, live sound + image performance w/ scott pagano.

MAR 17, 2004 - SACRAMENTO, CA - @ Capitol Garage, "The Arctic Boyz" -(trio of Zach Hill, Carson McWhirter, Christopher Willits) w/ Morris Tepper + PJ Harvey.